Forum Prioritises ECD
ECF Author
Rustenburg – The Rustenburg Young Child Forum hosted its first meeting on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at the Rustenburg Public Library.
The forum is an initiative of the Early Care Foundation in collaboration with the Do More Foundation. The foundations currently support seven Early Childhood Development centres (ECDs) along with six day-mothers in various locations in Rustenburg.
The forum aims to facilitate meetings and presentations on topics such as child safety, healthy menus, ECD registration requirements, and the shift in function from the Department of Social Development to the Department of Basic Education.
Additionally, the forum seeks to improve teaching and learning in ECD centres through the advocacy of play, empowerment of ECD owners through business mentorship, and by creating a collective voice within the Rustenburg community which highlights the learning issues young children often face, and how to collectively address such issues.
The attendees of the first meeting included educators in early childhood development, community members, and social workers. Educators shared their challenges and goals, and together, the attendees discussed the vision and mission of the forum.
They also discussed the function of the forum and how it can serve as a platform for sharing information and resources amongst ECD centres, day-mothers, and other stakeholders.
The next forum meeting is set for 7 June 2023, with the venue to be confirmed. The forum is an excellent opportunity for stakeholders in Rustenburg to collaborate and address the challenges which young children face in the community.
With the support of organisations like the Early Care Foundation and the Do More Foundation, the forum can make a significant impact on the lives of young children and their families in Rustenburg.
For more information contact Early Care Foundation facilitator Julia Shoke on 073 583 0363.