About us
Early childhood has been shown to be the most effective period for educating children. Our job is to ensure that the people teaching them are sufficiently skilled to create rich and stimulating preschool environments
Healthy development in the early years (particularly birth to three) provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation.
Participation in quality preschool education (also known as pre-primary/kindergarten/nursery education) brings significant and long lasting benefits to children. Investing in early childhood development is a cost-effective way to boost shared prosperity, promote inclusive economic growth, expand equal opportunity, and end extreme poverty. Longitudinal studies have found that those who participated in early childhood educational programs are more likely to start school on time, less likely to drop out of school, more likely to graduate from secondary school and obtain a job as an adult, and less likely to commit crimes and end up imprisoned.
ECD Provides essential services during a unique period of development of the brain in children
Provides health and nutrition services
Provides early education opportunities that provide that support better learning an improved life chances in adulthood
ECD is cost effective and better for societ

A Message from our Patron